Apple and Jostaberry Sponge Pudding

Tasmania is flooded with berries all summer and apples throughout the cooler months. I always freeze some berries and jostaberries freeze really well. They are a cross between a gooseberry and a black currant so they are fat, black and very flavoursome. Combined with apples they are at their best and I add star anise, cloves and a little cinnamon too.

When the mercury dips down and the nights draw in there’s nothing I enjoy more than cooking and eating a hot pudding. The recipe is in ounces because it was originally my mother’s apple sponge recipe and I like to keep her measurements to remind me of that.

All the spices and the organic flour are available at The Garden Shed and Pantry.

1-DSC_0001Apple and Jostaberry Sponge Pudding

Slice and cook in a pan: about 8 medium sized apples with 1 tablespoon of honey, 4 cloves, 1 star anise and a dash of cinnamon, adding jostaberries towards the end. Put into an oven-proof dish.

While the fruit is stewing prepare the sponge.

Heat oven to 200C

Cream: 3 ozs sugar with 3 ozs butter

Add: a dash of vanilla essence, 1 beaten egg, 6 ozs self raising flour (I use organic 85% wholemeal flour) and 3/4 cup milk

Beat quickly until a smooth batter and spoon over the hot cooked fruit.

Bake 30 – 45 minutes until nicely browned and firm to the touch.

Serve hot with ice cream or yoghurt.


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